Trescobeas Surgery, Trescobeas Road, Falmouth, TR11 2UN
Telephone: 01326 315615
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Mylor Surgery, Lemon HIll, Mylor Bridge, TR11 5ND | Telephone: 01326 315615
Since June 2022 patients at Trescobeas Surgery have used ‘Klinik‘ for requesting appointments. This system helps to improve access to our GPs and reduce pressure on our telephone lines. This is an online service which saves our patients from queueing on the telephone.
A GP will review your submitted ‘Klinik‘ form which is triaged based on urgency. We aim to notify you within 24 hours of when your telephone call back will be.
If you do not have access to the internet, please call the surgery on 01326 315615 and speak to our reception team, who will complete the ‘Klinik‘ form on your behalf.
To request an appointment on ‘Klinik‘ please return to the home page and select the purple button ‘Start here‘.
Primarily, Trescobeas Surgery operates a GP telephone call back (TCB) / Telephone Consultation (TC) system. The system is designed to avoid wasting yours and the GP’s time and to ensure that the GP has all the relevant information available at your consultation. If the GP needs to see you in person, an appointment time and date will be offered to you during the TCB consultation.
The practice believes in the principle of “Continuity of Care”. As such if a patient has seen one doctor for a specific problem they should continue with that doctor for that problem. This avoids multiple interventions by different doctors which can lead to duplication and errors. This does not preclude a patient seeking a second opinion at any time.
If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason please inform us as soon as possible in order for us to give the slot to someone else.