Trescobeas Surgery, Trescobeas Road, Falmouth, TR11 2UN
Telephone: 01326 315615
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See our other Locations
Mylor Surgery, Lemon HIll, Mylor Bridge, TR11 5ND | Telephone: 01326 315615
Some services provided are not covered under our contract with the NHS and therefore attract charges. Examples include the following or Click Here:
So that we can carry out this work for you, please complete this form: SARS Form and email your request and form to
The Fees Charged are based on the British Medical Association (BMA) suggested scales. For more information please email us at
Please do not use above email address unless it is regarding the above services.
Time spent completing forms and preparing reports takes the GP away from medical care of his/her patients.
Our GPs have a heavy workload and paperwork takes up an increasing amount of their time. In addition non-NHS must be undertaken outside of NHS contracted time.
Please bear in mind that it can take up to 28 days to complete requests.